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30 4 Vo.l 30 No. 4 2010 8 JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENG INEERING V IBRATION Aug. 2010 : 1000 1301( 2010) 04 0172 07 1, 2 3 4 王根龙 , 刘奇斌 , 刘红帅 ( 1. , 710054; 2. , 100029; 3. , 150090; 4. , 150080) : , , , NCEER ( SPT )M ononobe Ok abeKoerner Fellen ius, , , : ; ; ; ; : P315. 98 : A Safety analysis of em bankm en t slope w ith seism ic liquefaction prob lem s 1, 2 3 4 WANG Genlong , LIU Qibin , LIU Hongshui ( 1. X ian Center of China Geology Survey, X ian 710054, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Eng ineering G eo m echanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China; 3. Harbin ShuangchengH ighw ay Adm initration, Heilongjiang P rovince, Harbin 150090, China; 4. Institute of EngineeringM echanics, China Earthquake Adm inistration, H arbin 150080, China) Abs tract: Seism ic liquefaction problems of embankment slope related to two different subject fields ( geotechnical engineering and engineering seismology), is a cross topic of slope engineering and sand liquefaction. Sand soil un der embankment slope can be liquefied by earthquake, and can lead to liquefaction problems such as bearing ca pacity, settlement, lateral spreading, sand boils and global sliding. U singNCCER method ( SPT), Mononobe Ok abemethod, Koernermethod and Felleniusmethod, the assessment index system including liquefaction safety fac tor, liquefaction lateral spreading safety factor, liquefaction sand boils safety factor and sliding safety factor, is put forward to evaluate the security of embankment slope w ith liquefaction problems. A s a ca


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