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Great comic art is never otherworldly, TS,+ it does not seek to mystify   us, and it does not deny ambiguity by ∨   branding as evil whatever differs from ≠ (5) good. Great comic artists assume that SE   truth may bear all lights, and thus they   seek to accentuate contradictions in 标志词 social action, not gloss over or transcend ﹥﹤ them by appeals to extrasocial (10) symbols of divine ends, cosmic purpose, 1、2、3   or laws of nature. The moment of SE   transcendence in great comic art is a   social moment, born out of the   conviction that we are human, even 让步,强调we are human (15) though we try to be gods. The comic SE   community to which artists address   themselves is a community of reasoning, 1、2、3,+   loving, joyful, compassionate beings,   who are willing to assume the human (20) risks of acting rationally. Without   invoking gods or demons, great comic SE   art arouses courage in reason, courage   which grows out of trust in what human   beings can do as humans. 文章结构类型:全文论证一个观点型,SE均论述一个主题,没有出现however,question之类的字眼。 TS:Great comic art is never otherwordly, it does not seek to mystify us, and it does not deny ambiguity by branding as evil whatever differs from good. 态度:great, reasoning, loving, joyful, compassionate表明+态度 单词: 阅读专用词汇:ambiguity,assume,contradiction,gloss over,transcend 17. The passage suggests that great comic art can be characterized as optimistic about the ability of humans to(细节题) A. rid themselves of pride(无中生有) B .transcend the human condition(not gloss over or transcend them by appeals to extrasocial symbols of divine ends, cosmic purpose,or laws of nature.与原文相反) C. differentiate clearly between good and evil(ambiguity by branding as evil whatever differs from good.与原文相反) D. avoid social conflicts(and thus they seek to accent



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