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2011年第 1期 法律科学(西北政法大学学报) % 193%
: 1674- 5205( 2011) 010193( 008)
(南京审计学院法学院, 江苏 南京 211815)
! 在世界法制史苑里, 日本的法制变革是非常显著的: 古代法制隶属中华法系,近代法制则属大陆法
系,而现代法制 收英美法成分, 兼属两大法系这种法制变革与日本的民族性格之间存在 一定的关联日本是
一个单 一民族的岛国,在漫长的历史发展过程中, 汇聚形成自己独特的民族性格: 善于学习国外的优秀文化, 富于
模仿先进的社会制度, 易于顺应必威体育精装版的时代潮流这些性格特征决定了日本法制变革的路径和模式,使日本法在
当代世界的法律体系当中别具 一格
! 日本民族; 性格特征;法制变革
A bstract: In theworld of legal syste history, the legal syste transfor ation of Japan is obvious, whose ancient law
belongs to China legalsyste and odern law belongs to the civil law syste , but the conte porary legal syste absorb ele
ents inAnglo- A erican law, and belong to the two legal syste si ultaneously. This kind of legalsyste transfor ation
is in connection w ith the racepersonality of Japan. Japan is a single insularity of race, and it created its special race per
sonality in the endlesshistory, i. e. , being good at learning fro the excellent cultures abroad, expertatcopying forerunner
s social syste , and adapt to the latestdevelop ent of the ti e, the distribution ofwhich deter ines thepath and ode of
the Japanese legal syste transfor ation and akes the Japanese legal syste in conte porary world present an unique
K ey W ords: the Japanese race; personality characteristic; legal syste transfor ation
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