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考古2011 年第7 期 o
KEYWORDS: H ar bin Y an ia an Site L ate P aleolithic A e Skelet on C ir cles A rchitectur al
j g g g
Remains Cam s
ABSTRA CT: n 1983 and 1984, tw o semicir cular rem ains piled w ith anim al bones were uncov ered in
t he late P aleolithic cam site at Y an ia an in H ar bin. M ost of t he scholars believ ed that the w er e ar-
p j g g y
t ificial rem ains built b t he eo le for som e intent io ns; how ever , some scholars thou ht the w ere fluvial
y p p g y
de osit s r esulted b w at er flow . Referr in to the ex cavat io n site hoto ra hs and the mor holo ical and
p y g p g p p g
sedimentolo ical r inci les, t his a er made in-de th studies and ar um ents and rove d t hat the f orm a-
g p p p p p g p
t io n of these tw o anim al skeleto n circles could not be the result of fluvial sediments or other nat ural causes
but the art ificial architectur al rem ains built by the hunters of t he P aleolit hic A g e w ith lar ge am ount of
at hered animal bo nes, nearb w hich w as the cam sit e of t he ancient hum an be in s.
g y p g
一前 言
200 45b~ 65b
, 315 1983~ 1984