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20 12 年 8 月 电 工 技 术 学 报 Vol.27 No. 8 第 27 卷第 8 期 TRAN SACTION S OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Aug. 20 12 三相逆变器的最小共模电压 PWM 控制 袁佳歆 潘建兵 饶斌斌 陈柏超 (武汉大学电气工程学院 武汉 430072) 摘要 提出了一种新的三相逆变器抑 共模干扰最优PWM 控 策略。该控 方法在常规 空间矢量控 策略的基础上,采用构造零矢量的方法来减小逆变器输出的共模电压幅值,并通 过免疫算法来计算最优的作用时间,使得三相逆变器输出波形THD 最小。本文介绍了算法各 个操作步骤和零矢量构造方法的具体实施过程,搭建了基于DSP 控 器的动态实验平台进行小 容量模拟实验,实验和仿真结果表明该算法所产生的最优PWM 控 序列与常规空间矢量控 策 略相比不仅能有效地抑 逆变器输出的共模电压幅值,还能明显减小逆变器输出波形的 谐波 畸变率。 关键词:免疫算法 三相逆变器 控 策略 波形 谐波畸变率 共模干扰 中图分类号:TM464 Research on Minimum Common-Mode Voltage PWM Control Strategy for Three-Phase Inverters Yuan J iax in Pan J ianbing Rao B inbin Chen B eichao (Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China ) Abstract A novel vector PWM method for three-phase voltage-control inverter is described. The novel PWM strategy is characterized by minimum common-mode interference of the three-phase inverter . In order to reduce common-mode interference, the method of non zero vector structure zero vector is used in this control strategy . The vector and the corresponding time of operation compose the PWM sequences generated by PWM strategy . An immune algorithm (IA) optimization technique is applied to determine the time of operation based on the output voltage vector of conventional space vector PWM(SVPWM). Comparative analysis proving superiority of the novel vector PWM technique over the conventional SVPWM in common-mode interference and THD, and the results of the simulations and experiments of inverter confirm the feasibility and advantage of the proposed novel vector PWM strategy . Keywords :Immune algorithm, three-phase inverter, control strategy, THD,


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