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www.hofung - 中国大颗粒尿素产业所面临的机遇和挑战 Opportunities and Challenges Faced by the Chinese Urea Granulation Industry 2015年中国氮肥、甲醇技术大会 2015 China Nitrogen Fertilizer Methanol Conference Member of the 鄂尔多斯 Erdos, China 2015.07.16-18 目录 Contents 1. 为什么生产大颗粒尿素 Why granules 2. 中国大颗粒尿素生产20年历史回顾 20 Years of Chinese Urea Granulation Reviewed 3. 国内外大小颗粒产品结构比较 Comparison between Chinese Urea and Overseas urea 4. 中国大颗粒行业所面临的机遇 Chinese Urea Granulation Industry Opportunities 5. 产业及环保政策的调整对大颗粒行业的影响 Impact of Urea Granulation Industry Policy Adjustments 6. 如何面对大颗粒产品出口所面临的质量挑战 How to Face the Challenge of Urea Quality in Export 7. 结论 Conclusion www.hofung - 2 1. 为什么生产大颗粒尿素 Why Granules? 1.1 国际市场 International Market Demand ► 国际上农业较发达国家几乎全部使用大颗粒尿素;导致国外发达国家尿素生产量的80% 以上, 国际尿素贸易量的90% 以上均为大颗粒尿素。 Almost all countries with developed agriculture in the world use urea granules. Over 80% of urea produced in foreign developed countries is in the form of urea granules. Over 90% of internationally trade urea are urea granules. 1.2 国内市场 Chinese Market Demand ► 复混肥市场的发展,将进一步促进对大颗粒尿素的需求。 Development of compound fertilizer market will further promote the demand of urea granules. ► 随着中国城镇化发展,传统农业向集约化转型,小颗粒将难以适应大规模机械化施肥的需要。 大颗粒替代小颗粒成为主流产品是一个必然趋势。 With increasing urbanization in China, there is a clear shift towards intensive agriculture. Prilled urea will be difficult to adapt to the needs of large-scale mechanized fertilization, making the widespread use of urea granules instead of prilled urea inevitable. 1.3 环保压力 Environmental Protection Pressure ► 大颗粒造粒较小



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