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9 1 () V o.l 9 No. 1 2009 3 JOU RNAL O F NAN JING NO RM AL UN IVERS ITY ( ENG INEER ING AN D TECHNO LOGY ED IT ION ) M ar, 2009 传导电磁干扰噪声分离方法研究与新进展 赵 阳, 姜宁秋, 孙 焱, 李世锦, 陆婋泉 ( , 2 10042) [ ] , , . . , . [ ] , , ( CM ) , ( DM ) , [ ] TN 43 [] A [] 1672-1292( 2009) 01-0001-07 Research and Developm ent of Conductive EM I Separating Techniques Z hao Y ang, J iang N ingq iu, S un Yan, L i Sh ij in, Lu X iaoquan ( School of E lectr ca l and A utom at on Eng neer ng, N anj ng N orm al U n vers ty, N anj ng 2 10042, Ch na) Abstract: Th s paper f rst ntroduces the purpose and s gn f cance of separa t on o f EM I no se, and rev ew s the recent a- ch evem ents o f the research on no se separato r. T hen, the strongpo nts and sho rtcom ngs o f these represen tat ve no se separators are com pared. Furtherm ore, the des gn pr nc p les o f separator are g ven n paper. T he paper a lso g ves the re- su lts of smu lat on and m easure on tw o no se separa tors. D evelopm enta l trends for conduct ve EM I no se separa to r are an- a lyzed a t last. K e words: conduct ve EM I no se, no se separa tor, common m ode( CM ) no se, d fferent a lm ode( DM ) no se, rev ew , EM I . EM I, . , EM I CM DM . , , CM DM . L ISN ( l ne m pedance stab l zat on net- w ork), , , L ISN ( pow er- l ne f lter) . . , , . 1 噪声分离方法的进展综述 . ( RF trans- fo rm er) [ 1- 3] ( pow er spl tter) /( power com b ner) [ 4 ] [ 5-6] [ 8] , . 1. 1 11. 1 基于射频变压器的噪声分离器 Pau l, 11 : 2008-05-20. : (# JH ZD 07- 006) (# K 200603) . : , , , : . E-m a l: zh aoy ang2@ njnu. edu. cn



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