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纖維紡織科技研討會 第29屆 OG-3 探討普普風色系彩妝與消費決策型態關係之研究 Exploring Pop Art and the Motivation of Buying of the Consumers for the Study 潘淑君、田履屏、謝建騰 PAN,SHU-JYUN, Lu-Ping Tien, Chien-Teng Hsieh 實踐大學服飾設計與經營學系 Department of Fashion Design and Merchandising,SHIH CHIEN University 摘 要 本研究為瞭解消費者是否因標榜普普風色系而購買此色系之眼影,以現今廣為使用的品牌彩妝設計 主題,就產品的意象感覺大部分皆是經由外形、色彩、材質等感知的聚集所形成,普普風色系眼彩顏色 採取高彩度顏色,對比色、單一色大面積運染或是單一色幾何圖形的型式,從這些形式去蒐集圖片,再 以這些圖片作為導覽讓填問券的民眾更為了解普普風色系,研究中從普普風色彩心理和消費決策型態設 計問卷 ,對象為在三多商圈百貨逛街的名眾,使用變異抽樣法,每三位取一位做調查,問卷共達202份, 有效問卷201份,分析問卷中發現熱愛藝術、感情豐富、喜歡新穎事物的消費者較會購買普普風色系彩妝 。 關鍵字:普普藝術、消費決策、化妝品、色彩心理 Abstract For the information to know that will the consumers buy the product because of the label of POP ART on the cover. To make the comparison from the survey of color psychology and type of consumer decision making, in term of the product, the construct of the product is mostly from the figure, color and material. Generally, color is very important in dominate the visual perception of the product, the psychology of the reason why the consumers would buy the POP ART series, according to color psychology to understand the consumers mentality. The survey is count as two hundred and two copies, and we found out that consumers whose have affection into art, fresh things and full of emotional mostly will buy the POP ART series of cosmetic. Key word :pop art 、the motivation of buying of the consumers 、cosmetic 、color psychophysics 前言 表 1 Giorgio Armani ,2013 ,普普春光Pop Collection


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