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Eugene ONeill 尤金·奥尼尔 3班 35号 潘乙停 ACHIEVEMENT The whole life of O Neills production is divided into three parts,the early period(1912年—1920年),the middle period(1920年—1934年) and the late period(1934年—1953年).The main plays : Beyond the Horizon《天边外》、Anna Christie《安娜·克利斯蒂》、The Iceman Cometh《送冰的人来了》and Long Days Journey into Night《长夜漫漫路迢迢》and so on. 1918 Beyond the Horizon《天边外》 Pulitzer Prize。 1920 Anna Christie 《安娜·克里斯蒂》Pulitzer Prize。 1928 Strange Interlude《奇异的插曲》 Pulitzer Prize。 1936 Desire unnder the Elms 《榆树下之恋》The Nobel Prize in Literature。 1956 Long Days Journey into Night 《长夜漫漫路迢迢》 Pulitzer Prize。 PLACE The American famous dramatic critic ,Professor John had said,“Before ONeill dont appear,America just has theater;After ONeill appears,America has drama。” ONeill is called one of the four playwrights in the 20th century literature dictionary which is written by Martin Seymour Smith.He thinks that he is the first-class writter in America. Long Days Journey into Night After his death,this drama was performed in Sweden for the first time.The King and the Queen of Sweden were moved deeply by this drama.And countless audiences were touched by this.The newspaper had said that the achievements of ONeill were higher than Ibsen and Strindberg(易卜生和斯特林堡) in Sweden.There was someone who thought that ONeill and Shakespeare were comparable. 《长夜漫漫路遥遥》简介 该剧以提罗恩一家的家庭悲剧切入,提罗恩是一位十分出色的演员,由于小时候全家从爱尔兰搬来美国,父亲随后又抛弃年幼的孩子和妻子,独自回 到爱尔兰,使提罗恩受了十分艰难的童年生活,从而成为了一个悭吝成性( qiān lìn )的人。在其演员生涯中,因其奉行的一美元的生活策略,使自己一生为了美元而毁灭了演艺艺术生涯的继续,他自己就是生活的不幸者,又带来了更多的不幸给这个家庭。 提罗恩的妻子是一位曾经十分貌美,弹得一手好钢琴的女子,在于提罗恩结婚后,长期和他奔波在各个演出的城市,一个人在一家家旅社饱尝颠沛流离。当第二个孩子出生后,因为要陪提罗恩外出演出,孩子不幸遇难。提罗恩夫人开始有了精神焦虑,之后又生下了埃德蒙德,生育后身体十分脆弱,提罗恩为了省钱,随便找了一个价格便宜的医生诊治,结果庸医竟然开出了用毒品止痛的方子,从此提罗恩夫人长期受煎熬。开始漫长而无望的戒毒。



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