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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福阅读机经背景:海底宝藏的诱惑 深藏海底2个世纪,沉船宝藏不再闪闪发光,但在看到沉船宝藏中的银币的第一眼,奥德赛海洋勘探公司探宝船甲板上就爆发了欢呼声。该公司随后发现的金币更是让寻宝界人士赞叹不已。此次寻得沉船宝藏总价值约500万美元,成为格雷格.斯德姆的新寻宝记录,此人任奥德赛海洋勘探公司首席执行官。他不喜欢别人称他为“探宝者”,但却留着络腮胡并喜欢开海盗式玩笑。 The lure of sunken riches海底宝藏的诱惑 Fortunes ahoy 财富之歌 Treasure hunters’ misdeeds have led to tougher laws. Now their business model must adapt 寻宝者不当行径招致严厉立法 探宝公司必须转型 Nice find cap’n—what’s my share? 好样的,船长——我那份宝藏呢? TWO centuries underwater had dulled their sparkle, yet the first glimpse of silver coins drew excited cheers on board Odyssey Marine Exploration’s flagship. The gold coins that came next really caught the Iberian sun—and the spirits. The entire haul was worth around $500m; a record find for Greg Stemm, Odyssey’s boss. He dislikes the “treasure hunter” label, but sports a beard and cracks pirate jokes. 深藏海底2个世纪,沉船宝藏不再闪闪发光,但在看到沉船宝藏中的银币的第一眼,奥德赛海洋勘探公司探宝船甲板上就爆发了欢呼声。该公司随后发现的金币更是让寻宝界人士赞叹不已。此次寻得沉船宝藏总价值约500万美元,成为格雷格.斯德姆的新寻宝记录,此人任奥德赛海洋勘探公司首席执行官。他不喜欢别人称他为“探宝者”,但却留着络腮胡并喜欢开海盗式玩笑。 Like old buccaneers, he also tangles with the authorities. After five years of legal wrangling, America’s Supreme Court in 2012 upheld a ruling that, because the wreck was a Spanish warship, it enjoyed sovereign immunity. Odyssey has already returned most of the trove, nearly 600,000 coins. A ruling by a Florida court this month could make it pay Spain’s legal costs—which run into millions of dollars. 如旧时海盗一样,此人也和政府纠缠不清。历经长达5年的法律诉讼,2012年美国最高法院维持了以下裁决,即认定由于沉船属于西班牙战船,其享有主权豁免权。奥德赛海洋勘探公司已经归还了接近600,000颗钱币的大部分宝藏,而近期佛罗里达法院的一纸裁决可能使其承担西班牙政府的诉讼费,该笔费用高达数百万美元。 A former chicken farmer called Mel Fisher took eight years to secure his rights to the wreck of the Nuestra Se?ora de Atocha, a 17th-century Spanish galleon. When he found it after more than a decade’s searching off the Florida coast, a hotbed for treasure hunters, the state claimed ownership of its cargo of silver coins and emerald jewellery. Eventually the Supreme Court ruled that the site was in international water


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