美联英语短新闻 美国学霸四胞胎兄弟拒绝多所名校 最终选择耶鲁大学.doc

美联英语短新闻 美国学霸四胞胎兄弟拒绝多所名校 最终选择耶鲁大学.doc

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美联英语短新闻 美国学霸四胞胎兄弟拒绝多所名校 最终选择耶鲁大学

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: /test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:英语短新闻 美国学霸四胞胎兄弟拒绝多所名校 最终选择耶鲁大学 Now the Wade quadruplets of Ohio, are set to study together at the same college after getting offers from dozens of institutions across the country. 在共收到了全国几十所大学的录取通知书之后,俄亥俄州韦德家的四胞胎于日前选择了去同一所大学。 The brothers from Liberty Township, near Cincinnati, were all accepted for Harvard and Yale. After a lot of thought, they decided they would continue to stick together by all taking the offer from Yale. 这四胞胎来自辛辛那提市的自由镇,他们同时被哈佛大学和耶鲁大学所录取。在经过认真思考之后,他们决定接受耶鲁大学的录取通知书,继续在一起。 NBC News said it had been an easy decision for 18-year-old Nick, Zach and Nigel Wade. The school treated us like family, Nigel said the night the deadline for deciding which college to attend. 据美国国家广播公司报道,尼克、扎卡利和尼格尔很容易就做出了去耶鲁大学的决定。在决定去哪所大学的截止日当晚,尼格尔说:“耶鲁大学把我们当作家人。” But Aaron Wade, who was also accepted to Stanford University, was reportedly much less certain - especially after he visited Stanfords campus in California. 但是还收到了斯坦福大学的录取通知书的亚伦却有些拿不准主意了,尤其是在他参观完位于加利福尼亚州的斯坦福大学之后。 There was a part of me that didnt want to like the school because it would make my decision easy, he said. Alas, that didnt happen. I loved it as well. “真希望自己能有一点讨厌斯坦福大学,这样我就能更容易地做出选择了。”亚伦说:“唉,可是我真的太喜欢这所学校了。” He added: But at the end of the day, Yale made sense logistically, and its an amazing school. I dont regret my decision even though right now it kind of feels like a sacrifice. 他补充说道:“但是在截止日那天,我还是选择了耶鲁大学,耶鲁大学太棒了。虽然现在感觉有点不甘,但我不会后悔自己的决定。” SpaceX, the aerospace company founded by Elon Musk, launched a top-secret spy satellite for the US Department of Defense early last Monday morning. 上周一清晨,埃隆·马斯克创立的航天公司SpaceX为美国国防部发射了一颗高度机密的侦察卫星。 The two-stage Falcon 9 rocket, carrying the NROL-76 satellite, lifted off at 7:15 am from Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. 当地时间7时15分,二级火箭猎鹰9号搭载卫星NROL-76,从佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心的39A发射复合体发射升空。 About 10 minutes later, the rockets first stage landed at SpaceXs Landing Zone 1. 大约10分钟之后,该火箭的第一级在SpaceX公司的着陆一区安全着


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