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Science and Technology of F ood Industry , , , , (广东轻工职业技术学院食品与生物工程系, 广东广州510300) :采用蜂胶涂膜剂对番茄进行保 处理, 通过正交实验法对蜂胶涂膜剂配方进行优化通过测定番茄样品的感 官变化失重率变化及维生素C含量的变化, 确定番茄保 效果实验结果表明, 最佳的蜂胶涂膜剂配方是蜂胶浓度 为 05%明胶浓度为 1%蔗糖酯浓度为 01%, 此时番茄样品保 效果最好, 可以有效延长番茄样品的货架期 : 蜂胶, 番茄, 涂膜,正交实验法 Application of the coating agent containing propolis on the preservation of tomatoes W E I Q iang hua, ZHANG Na p ing, CH EN Ye, LUO Yu xian, XIAN Jian rong (Departmentof Food Bioengineering, Guangdong Industry Technical College, Guangzhou 510300, China) Abstrac:t Tom atoes w e re p reserved w ith the coa ting ag ent conta ining p ropo lisThe form ula o f the coa ting ag ent w as op tmi ized throug h the o rthogona lexpermi entsThe prese rva tive effec t on tom a toes w as investgi ated by the m easuremento f the senso ry chang e, the ra te o f loss w e ig ht and the content o f vitam in C The optmi a l fo rmula ni c luded: the concentra tion o f propolis w as 05%, the concentra tion o f ge la tinw as 1%, the concentration o f suc rose este rs w as 01% Under the op tmi a l fo rmula, the prese rvative e ffec t on toma toes w as bes,t and the she lf life o f tom atoes w as added Key w ords: propo lis; toma to; coa ting; o rthogona lexpermi ents : TS2553 : A : 1002 0306(2009) 02 0278 03 , , 11 ; , ; 6g /100mL, , [4] ; , , , , , , , , , [ 1] , 12 , 121 , 50mL , , ,


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