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Joe Zhao,赵齐宏博士PhD PEng CEng June 12, 2009 Beijing China • Benchmarking is the process of comparing the cost, cycle time, productivity, or quality of a specific process or method to another that is widely considered to be an industry standard or best practice. 绩效评估是针对某一特定的程序与行业模范标准或 最佳实践在成本、周期时间、生产效率或质量的比 较过程。  First used by cobblers to measure one’s feet for shoes. “Benchmarking”一词来源于西方的鞋匠,将顾客 的脚放在板凳上画出脚型订制鞋样。  Now most used to measure performance using specific indicators resulting in a metric of performance that is then compared to others “Benchmarking”被译成“绩效评估”或“标杆体系”, 使用选定的绩效指标来量比“绩效”,从而产生了行业内 可进行比较的绩效度衡体系。  Is the quantitative measurement of performance against other organisations over time using Key Performance Indicators 是应用主要绩效指标,对被研究的机构与其它组织机构进 行绩效的定量对比的过程。  The art of comparing apples with pears 是一种将“苹果”与“梨”进行对比的艺术。  Users: regulators, funding agencies, associations, and large companies 其主要使用组织为监管机构、贷款组织、行业协会或大型 企业。  Provides information for utilities to identify performance gaps 是为企业之间发现绩效差异。  But usually does not explain why 但一般不能解释 产生差异的原因。  The key is to understand the reasons behind performance gaps 而产生差异的原因却是“绩效评估”改善企业效 率的关键所在。  The management analyzes its own utilitys business processes and compares them with organisations with exemplary performance. 是企业管理层分析自身商业过程与其行业模范企 业的绩效进行对比。  For managers to identify the factors which create the difference in values of the Performance Indicators. 是管理层确定“绩效指标”产生差异原因的评估 过程。  Born in 1981 by Xerox, for identifying the best and adapting best practice to achieve superior performance “施乐”集团于1981年为确定其行业最佳实践创造 性的引入了“绩效评估”的概念与方法。其目的 是适应最佳实践从而实现超级成绩与成效。  In water sector privatization in the late 1980s in UK, “water benchmarking technique” was introduced as a tool to compare performances among privatized utilities.


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