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2011 年 第 20 卷 第 3 期 计 算 机 系 统 应 用
改进的K-means 算法在网络舆情分析中的应用
汤寒青 1,2,王汉军2
1( 中国科学院 研究生院,北京 100049)
2( 中国科学院 沈阳计算技术研究所,沈阳 110171)
摘 要:结合网络舆情分析的应用需求背景,首先介绍了文本信息的处理,然后探讨了文本聚类中的 K-means
K-means 算法提高了聚类的准确度;与基于最大最小距离原则的初始中心选择算法比较,提高了执行效率,同时
关键词:网络舆情;K-means 算法;文本聚类;稀疏特征向量
Application of Improved K-Means Algorithm to Analysis of Online Public Opinions
TANG Han-Qing1,2, WANG Han-Jun2
1(Graduate University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
2(Shenyang Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110171, China)
Abstract: Combining background application requirement of online public opinion analysis, this paper firstly introduces
the processing of text information, and then discusses the K-means algorithm of the text clustering, according to its
characteristic that clustering results depend on the centers of initial clustering, and improves it. Based on the thought that
text title can express its content, the improved algorithm uses sparse character vector to express text title, calculates the
sparse similarity of them and ascertains the centers of initial clustering. The experiments show that the method improves
the clustering accuracy. Compared with another algorithm based on the principle of maximum and minimum distance,
the improved method heightens the efficiency and ensures the clustering accuracy.
Keywords: online public opinion; K-means clustering algorithm; text clustering; sparse character vector
1 引言 分析问题的经典算法,Dhillon 将其应用到文本聚类
在当今网络信息技术快速发展的时代,网络舆情 领域[4] ,并利用余弦相似度计算对象间的距离,该算
分析受到众多学者的广泛关注。网络舆情分析首先把 法简单且收敛速度快,但也有着明显的缺点,因此本
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