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2 1 ( ) V ol 2 N o 1 2004 3 Journal of Southw est A gricultural U niv ersity ( Social Science Edit ion ) M ar 2004 关于加强高校内部舆论监督的思考 ( 西南农业大学 纪委监察处, 重庆 4007 16) : , , , , : ; ; : D 262 6 : A : 1672- 5379( 2004) 0 1- 0 113- 03 SOM E T HOU GHT ABOU T I NN ER SU PERV ISION OF P U BL IC OP IN ION IN COL L EGE S A ND U NI VERSIT I ES ZHU Xiao - ming ( Commission for Inspect ing Discipline of the CP C Committ ee of Southw est A gricultural U niv ersity , Chongqing 4007 16, China) Abstract : S trengt hening t he inner supervision of public opinion is an ef fectiv e w ay to adv ance t he construct ion of a good Party. s w ork style and an hon- est and clean administration in colleges and univ ersities T his paper deals w it h the significance of t ightening inner public opinion superv ision of t he au- t horit ies in colleges and universit ies It points out t he ex isting problems in t he current stat us of inner public opinion superv ision and off ers some sugges- t ion of how to st rengt hen the superv ision and accelerat e the const ruct ion of a good w ork st yle of t he Party and an honest and clean administ rat ion Key words: inside colleges an d univ ersities; public opinion supervision; P art y. s w ork st yle an d honest and clean governm ent/ adm inist rat ion , 1 , , 1 1 / 0 , / 0 , , , , , , / 0


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