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英语作文模板 观点论证性
提出普遍存在的某种观点或态度或做法, 然后进一步说明此观点, 转折提出与之相反的本论文观点; 第二段议论断(论证或反驳观点)列举论据, 然后说明 ; 第三段(总结观点/新观点)
第一段议论段: 开门见山, 直接提出观点;
第二段议论段:承上启下, 引出对观点的论证(列举支持论点的具体事例1,2)
第三段议论段:总结观点(承接上文, 重申观点。总结全文, 指出正确的态度和做法。
第一段: Up to now, many people hold that 某观点. They believe that 进一步说明此观点. However, research shows that 与上述观点相反的论点. The arguments for this point of view can be listed as follows.
第一段: Up to now, many people hold that 某观点. They believe that 进一步说明此观点. However, research shows that 与上述观点相反的论点. The arguments for this point of view can be listed as follows.
第二段:Above all, 论据一. For example, 支持论据一的事例. Furthermore, 论据二及支持论据二的事例
第三段:All that has been discussed above points to the fact that 重申本文观点. Therefore, 与该观点相符合的做法和态度
Example 1
Wealth and Happiness
1. 每个人都想获得财富, 财富似乎就是幸福, 其实不然
2. 世界上有许多东西是财富换不来的Up to now, many people still hold that wealth can bring happiness. They believe that with a great amount of money, they must live a happy life. However, recent survey shows that wealth is not necessarily associated with happiness. The arguments for this point of view can be listed as follows.
Above all, good health plays an important role above wealth in a happy life. For example, people can buy machine with money, but can not buy happiness. Furthermore, wealth may encourage those harmful habits which may ruin the owner of wealth, such as addiction to drugs and gambling. Most importantly, there is one thing essential to happiness which can not be bought with wealth----love.
All that has been discussed above shows that wealth is not equal to happiness. Therefore, we shouldn’t be crazy about money and should earn it with honest work.
第一段: It is widely accepted that 某观点,As we know, 观点正确性的表现,Therefore, 小结观点。
第二段:There are numerous examples supporting this argument. A case in point is 例一. For another example, 引出并说明例二
第三段:From what has been discussed above, we should understand that 重申观点,But (one thing we have to notice is that)提出个人建议,Therefore, 总结全文。
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