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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 托福独立写作论点要统一-智课教育旗下智课教育 本文是智课教育小编为大家带来的托福独立写作论点要统一,通过 本文对两篇托福独立写作文章的相关分析,希望大家了解论点统一的重 要性。 在托福独立写作中,如果考生的托福独立写作文章论点统一,是组 织有序的,那么阅卷者从头看到尾也不会感到糊涂。智课教育小编为大 家带来托福独立写作论点要统一,希望大家了解论点统一的重要性。 在此提醒考生,文章结构的有序,并不是单纯地使用了诸如 first, second之类的连词就可以达成。文章中所有的句子必须服务于你的论 述主题,一旦脱离了主题,那么再精辟的连词也是徒劳的。此外,在独 立写作的评分标准里提到了“unity”,“progression”,“coheren ce”,这就意味着考生需要将自己的观点通过合理的句型表达出来,做 到统一,层层递进 ,连贯 ,以期让阅卷者能够 “一目了然”文章的意图 。以下我们来看一个例子 : In any relationship of mine,I would wish that first of all,the person I am dealing with is honest. Even though he/she thinks that he/she did something wrong that I wouldn’t like,he/she’d better tell me the truth and not lie about it. Later on if I find out about a lie or hear the truth from someone else,that’d be much more unpleasant. In that case how can I ever believe or trust that person again? How can I ever believe that this person has enough confidence in me to forgive him/her and carry on with the relationship from there. So if I cannot trust a person anymore,if the person doesn’t think I can handle the truth,there is no point to continuing that relationship。 在这个段落里,作者的语言流畅 ,准确 ,丰富 ,前后衔接紧密 ,语 意连贯 ,句式较多变 ,并且使用了反问这种修辞手法 ,因此很好的完成 了“组织”句子的目的。尽管不能说十全十美 ,但是这样的论述仍旧可 以得到满分。与之形成鲜明对比的是 : The people lining up in the embassy are applying for a variety of visas. Some applicants want student visas. Other applicants want resident visas. The other applicants want tourist visas. Applying for resident visas is very difficult; one has to meet a lot of requirements. According to a recent survey,the largest number of applicants are applying for tourist visas. The number of people applying for student visas comes in second. Among all the applicants,only a fraction want resident visas。 这段话的主题句显然是第一句,根据评分要求里对于段落一致性的 要求 ,主题句后面的支持句都必须围绕 “不同的人在大使馆里申请不同 的签证”这个话题展开论述。仔细分析后我们发现上面这段话里多了一 个不相干的句子 : “Applying for resident visas is very difficult; one has to meet a


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