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TDA7498E PDF 规格书
160-watt + 160-watt dual BTL class-D audio amplifier
Preliminary data
■ 160-W + 160-W output power at
THD = 10% with RL = 4 Ω and VCC = 36 V
■ 1 x 220 W output power mono parallel BTL at
THD = 10% with RL = 3 Ω and VCC = 36 V
■ Wide-range single-supply operation (14 - 36 V)
■ High efficiency (η = 85%)
■ Parallel BTL function using the MODE pin
with exposed pad up
■ Four selectable, fixed gain settings of
nominally 23.8 dB, 29.8 dB, 33.3 dB and
35.8 dB
■ Differential inputs minimize common-mode Description
The TDA7498E is a dual BTL class-D audio
■ Standby and mute features amplifier with a single power supply designed for
■ Smart protection home systems and active speaker applications.
■ Thermal overload protection It comes in a 36-pin PowerSSO package with
■ Small offset less than 20 mV exposed pad up (EPU) to facilitate mounting a
separate heatsink.
Table 1. Device summary
Order code Operating temp. range Package Packaging
TDA7498E 0 to 70 °C PowerSSO36 (EPU) Tube
TDA7498ETR 0 to 70 °C PowerSSO36 (EPU) Tape and reel
December 2011 Doc ID 022595 Rev 1