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2009 7 / 0 钟 健 英 12 20世纪 60年代出现的商品 / 走后门0 现象, 不仅助长了商品的进一步紧张, 而且对于党 群、干群 系产生了不良的影响。为此, 中共中央从修正主义和亡党亡国的高度指出了 / 走后门0 问 题的危险性, 并在全社会开展了一场反商品 / 走后门0 的群众性运动。运动不仅堵塞了商品流通中和 企业管理上的漏洞, 恢复了商品的正常流通供应, 缓解了当年国民经济困难的状况, 而且揭发了一批 违法违纪案件、责处了一批蜕化变质分子, 使泛滥一时的 / 走后门0 现象受到一定的扼制。回顾和研 究这一被人淡忘的运动, 对于正在进行的反腐败斗争, 具有重要的历史启迪。 12 20世纪 60年代; 反商品 / 走后门0 ; 运动 12 D232 12 A 1 2 1003- 3815( 2009) - 07- 0056- 08 Campaign A gainst / Going Through the Back Door0 in Comm od ity D istribu tion in the 1960s Zhong Jiany ing A b strac t: / Going through the ba k door0 in omm od ity d istribution in the 1960s not on ly aggravated the shortage of omm odity supp ly, but also produ ed bad effe ts on the relations betw een the Party and them asses and bewt een the adres and the ordinary peop le. Looking at th is prob lem from the h igh p lane of generating revision ism and lead ing to the destru tion of the Party and state the entral authorities of the Party pointed ou t the poss ib le grave onsequen es of th is unhealthy tenden y and laun hed a ross the whole so iety a m ass ampaign against / go ing through the ba k door0 in omm odity d istribution. Th is ampaign p lugged up leaks in ommod ity ir u lation and enterprise m anagem ent, restored the norm al ir ulation and supply of omm odities, alleviated the national e o2 nom i d iffi u lties, exposed a number of ases involving violations of law and b rea hes of d is ip line and pun ished a num ber of degenerates. A ll these m easu res su eeded in bringing the on e rampant / go ing through the ba k door0 under ontrol to som e extent. A review and stu


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