外文翻译闭路电视监控系统(适用于毕业论文外文翻译 中英文对照).doc

外文翻译闭路电视监控系统(适用于毕业论文外文翻译 中英文对照).doc

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外文翻译闭路电视监控系统(适用于毕业论文外文翻译 中英文对照)

w A TRANSLATING both systems to advanced practical mature reliable but also to open systemsscalability and take into account reasonable investment the purpose of the bestefficiency. CCTV surveillance equipment on the spot on surveillance control andmanagement of these facilities in a safe reliable and efficient operation and make fulluse of intelligent management role to create a safe healthy comfortable and to beable to improve the efficiency of the fine work environment energy conservationand reduce maintenance personnel. According to the projects environmental needsand demand for the establishment of joint function of the item CCTV monitoring1 the system has the following features:CCTV main task is an important part of the building within the developments such asdynamic flow conditions macroeconomic surveillance control the various anomaliesin order to conduct real-time evidence review to the timely processing of purpose.1 video signal timing location switch programming.2 view and record images and a distinction should be characters time year monthday display.3 receive signal superimposed elevator floor.4 synchronized switching: Power synchronous or synchronous.5 to receive security subsystems signal system in accordance with the need toachieve joint control or system integration.6 internal and external communications links.7 security surveillance television system and security alarm system linked should beable to automatically switch display record of the image signal alarm location andalarm time.8 Power ControlCamera security control room should be unified with green power by the securitycontrol room operators-to cut off. On the security control room far away from thecamera is powered reunification can be difficult to resolve the nearest if the system isa synchronous mode of power and security must be the same for the control room ofa reliable power supply.2 the system has the following features:H.264 compression technologyH.264 video coding standard is design



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