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“International trade”;
Basic content of International Settlement:
The main payment methods in international trade consist of consignment, payment in advance, open account, remittance, documentary collection, letters of credit, standby letters of credit, and bank guarantees.From cash settlement to non-cash settlement.
From cash settlement to non-cash settlement.
①Nostro means “ours”存放国外同业;
②Vostro means “yours”国外同业存放;
③Loro means “theirs”第三方账户。
①remittance;②reverse remittance.
Types of Remittance: Mail Transfer(M/T), Telegraphic Transfer(T/T), Demand Draft(D/D).
M/T means that the remitting bank, on the request of the remitter, transfers the funds by mailing a payment order or advice.
T/T means that remittance by cable, telex, SWIFT. (test key密押)
D/D (Demand draft票汇)
①Documentary collection can be subdivided into: Documents against Payment(D/P),Documents against Acceptance (D/A).
Under D/P at sight, payable by the importer on presentation.
Under D/P at a fixed time after sight, payable at a future time.
A confirmed credit is a credit which is advised to the beneficiary with another bank’s confirmation added thereto.
Letters of credit are made on the bank’s credit with the issuing bank undertaking the primary responsibility for payment.
A transferable credit may be made available in whole or in part to another beneficiary at the request of beneficiary.
The commercial invoice is the key accounting document describing the commercial transaction between the buyer and the seller.
Special endorsement
Blank endorsement
Restrictive endorsement
Conditional endorsement
①EXW——ex works
②FCA——free carrier(clear the goods for export, clear the goods for import)
③FAS——free alongside ship(only for sea or inland waterway transport)
④FOB——free on board (only for sea or inland waterway transport)
⑤CFR——cost and freight(only for sea or inland waterway transport)
⑥CIF——cost insurance and freight(only for sea or inland waterway transport)
⑦DAT——delivered at
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