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20 3 Vol . 20, No. 3 2 0 0 2 5 H ebei Law Science May , 2 0 0 2 / 0 寇志霞 ( , 054001) : , / 0 , , , , , / 0 : ; ; ; : DF72 : A : 1002- 3933(2002) 03- 0148- 03 / Difficulties to Enforce the Law0: Causes and Countermeasures Ab st ract: The imperfect market eco omy system a d judicial system, alo g with the people. s prejudice to executio re- sult i / difficulties to e force the law0 . Aimi g at these realistic problems, how to overcome / difficulties to e force the law0 restswith whether the Party Committees of all levels aswell as the People. s Co gress are ca- pable of e ha ci g guida ce a d supervisio or ot. Every work of life should participate i the society active- ly a dtackle problems i a comprehe sive way to improve the e forci g circumsta ces by mea s of politics, e- co omy, law, admi istratio , educatio , which will put / difficulties to e force the law0 to a e d. Key words: / difficulties to e force the law0 ; judgi g fair; checki g a d bala ci g by virtue of dece tralizi g power; com- prehe sive treatme t , , , , , 219 / , / 0 , 0 , , , / 0 , / 0 , ? : / 0 , , / 0 , , ,


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