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AT89S52单片机节能型路灯控制系统模型设计+PCB电路图+源码+流程图 摘要:为实现节能降耗,设计一个概念型路灯自动控制系统,实现车(人)到灯亮,车(人)过灯灭的功能。该模型用单片机做微控制器,干簧管在灯的下方做传感器,车模型上装有磁铁,小车行驶时,干簧管由于受到磁铁影响闭合,使信号发生变化,信号传输给单片机,单片机经过计算来判断车的速度和方向等,此时点亮车前方灯,当经过下一个传感器时,根据速度,灭掉车后方的灯。实验结果装置模型运行结果显示,车头距灯10厘米时灯亮,车头过灯5厘米时灯灭, 亮灯数在1-4盏间可手动调,也可自动调节,车速越快亮的灯数越多。该系统基本实现了设计目标要求,所采用的设计思路与设计方法,可推广到医院、仓库等需要ldquo;人在灯亮、人走灯灭rdquo;的同类场合,以及其他同类产品的研发提供参考和借鉴。4480 关键词: 节能路灯;单片机;自动控制 The design of Energy-saving street light control system model Abstract: To achieve energy saving, design a conceptual street automatic control system, car (people) to the lights, the car (people) through the lamp off function. The model using single-chip microcontrollers, reed beneath the lamp to make the sensor, the car model is equipped with magnets, car driving, reed magnet affected due to closure, so that the signal changes, signal transmission to the microcontroller, the microcontroller through calculation to determine the vehicle#39;s speed and direction, then the front of the vehicle lamp is lit, when after the next sensor, according to the speed, put out lights behind the vehicle. The experimental results showed that the model runs device, the front 10 cm away from the lamp lights, the front through the lamp 5 cm when the lamp is off, the number of lights between the lights at 1-4 can be manually adjusted, it can automatically adjust, the faster the speed the number of bright lights more. The system basically achieve the design objectives and requirements, using design ideas and design methods can be extended to hospitals, warehouses and other needs quot;in light, people take the lights off,quot; the same occasion, as well as other similar product development provide reference . 结束语35 致谢36 参考文献37 附录38 1 绪论 存在的问题 国内外都针对此问题设计了不同的对策,比如在国内外的小型城市,在一些双车道的路灯设置上采取夜晚只亮一侧的灯,从用电的根源上节约用电;还有在一些更偏僻的道路上,如像一些村村通道路,不采取安装照明设施。在一些中型城市,采用降压或者调节路灯的亮度稍暗一些。但这些方法都会造成安全隐患,并未达到架设路灯的本意。在一些中大型城市,还会通过更换路灯为节能灯,实用新型线路来从耗费的角度,减少能源的消耗,但这种办法只能节能降耗,其实在设备的换取工程中也浪费了金钱,只是节能而不省钱的现象。 在国外路灯的主要节能技术有LED路灯、太


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