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Original Microstructure and Properties of BS950 High-Strength Steel
Abstruct: The 1500 mm width 6 mm thickness two batches BS950 steel edge and center of the original organization and its hardness were studied in this paper,Accurately determined by X-ray diffraction strength of the BS950 steel edge portion and the central portion of the martensite microstructure lattice constant. The BS950 high-strength steel plate edge and center of the original scanning electron microscopy (sem) observation of the organization. The temperature BS950 steel thermal expansion characteristics and internal friction in the process of the curve were measured. The research results show that the BS950 steel edge and center of the strip martensite microstructure is board and the average hardness of the steel hardness is 42 HRC, but high hardness value than that of the center by batch annealing of edge.XRD analysis found that the lattice constant is less than the core of edge, and a half high width is different. Through to the internal friction peak height and peak position compare, found that carbon precipitation of edge degree is high. Through thermal expansion coefficient of thermal expansion curve found that steel plate edge is higher than the heart. Suggesting BS950 steel edge micro organizational core existence irregularity, led to the uneven steel performance. This may be associated with the cooling system of steel plate hot rolling fast, thus to find the cause of the high strength steel case become warped BS950 provides theory basis.
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