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Voter base The Procedure 1. Primary election: for the nomination of candidates at national party conventions( 提名候选人预选会) 2. National Representatives Conference: party’s official candidate for the presidency is selected by casting votes (各党确定正式候选人) 3. Running: nation-wide presidential campaigns by the candidates. (总统竞选运动) 4. Election: General election—the voters across the nation go to the polls. (全国选民投票) Electoral College—winner-take-all feature, majority of electors. (选举团投票) 5. Inaugural address: the inauguration ceremony (总统宣誓就职仪式)held in front of the U.S. Capital. * Presidential Election Huxinxin Republican Party Democratic Party VS Gender Age Family status Income Race Men Women Older Americans Younger voters Whites from married couples with children living at home Single, separated but not divorced, or divorced High-income voters Law-income voters Hispanic and Asian American voters Native,African, Jewish,Arab and Muslim Americans Be 35 years old. Be born in the USA Can you be Mr. or Miss President? live in the U.S.A for 14 years June January Primary election July August National Representatives Conference November Election Running Inaugural address January 538 electors 100 Senators 435 Congressmen 3 electors The District of Columbia 535 Representatives in Congress *
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