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20 1 Vo.l 20 No. 1 2007 2 W orld Forestry Research Feb2007 * 袁志林 陈连庆 (, 311400) : 获得品质优良的种苗是植物离体快繁中的技术关键, 但在生产 节中出现的组培苗玻璃化现象移栽 后的脱水萎蔫伤亡放养群体低抗逆性等共性问题仍具挑战性无菌条件下体外再生植株导致与之自然共 生的微生物的缺失是其中的重要原因, 而共生菌与宿主植物存在自然的共生关系并对宿主发挥独特的生理 功能, 能有效提高存活率, 帮助幼苗抵御移栽后的不良 境; 对某些药用植物而言, 还能促进其次生物质的积 累文中综述了国内外学者将共生菌引入植物快繁技术所取得的成果, 并分析了其应用潜力 : 离体快繁, 内生菌, 菌根真菌 : S71 . 52, S 723. 1 : A : 1001- 4241( 2007) 01- 0043- 06 Sym bioticM icroorganism: A Powerful Tool Integrated with PlantM icropropagation Yuan Zh ilin Chen L ianqing ( Research Institute of Sub trop ical Forestry, Ch inese Academy of Forestry, Fuyang 311400, Zhejiang, Ch ina) Abstract: Producing the p lantletsw ith excellent quality is the key issue in p lantm icropropagation. How ever, one of themajor mi pedmi ents to the success ofm icropropagation is the very high mortality rate due to the vitrification of shoots, w ilting and pathogen ic infection. The plantlets, generated in vitro under aseptic cond itions, elmi inate allm icrobes includ ing natural symbionts also. Endophytes and mycorrh izal fungi could establish the symb iosis relationsh ipsw ith host and have some beneficial attributes to p lants by enhancing the survival rates and alleviating the transplantation shock ofm icro- propagated p lantlets. In som emed icinal p lant, symb ioticm icroorgan ism could also stmi u late the ac- cumu lation of secondary metabolites. R ecent advances are review ed in this paper regard ing the po- tentialities of the symbioticm icroorgan ism in m icropropagation and the technology w ill be integrated w


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