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20 5 2008 10 专论与综述 PAHs 郭芬, 张远 ( 中国环境科学研究院河流与海岸环境科学创新基地, 北京 100012) : PAH s, , , PAH s PAH s, , GIS, PAH s, : PAH s; ; ; : X502 : A : 1006 2009( 2008) 05- 0011- 06 Com parison of M ethods for Source Apportionm en t of PAH s in A quatic Environm en t GUO Fen, ZHANG Yuan (R iv er and CoastalE nv ironm ental Research Center, Ch inese R esearch A cadem y of Env ironm ental Sc iences, B eij ing 100012, Ch ina) Abs tract: hemethods used for source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aquatic envi ronmentwere introduced, including chem icalmass balance, factor analysis ( FA) stable isotope, ratio method and so on. he emphasis on theoretical principle, applicable condition, application and problems of themethods were summarized. he development of PAH s source apportionmentmethodwas analyzedw ith Chinese aquatic en vironment. he method of FA andmultivariate statistical analysis combinedw ith FA wasw idely used in practical operation, especially by them eans of combinationw ith GIS. FA was able to provide a practically effect on PAH s source resolution, w ith statistical analysis of the space pattern of PAH s source. K ey w ord s: PAH s; Pollutant source; Source apportionm ent; A quatic environment ( Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, CMBFA, PAH s) , PAHs , , [ 1] , PAH s , , , PAH s , PAH s PAHs , [ 2- 3] , ;


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