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14 4 V o.l 14, No. 4
2005 8 JOURNA L OF NATURAL D ISA STER S A ug. , 2005
: 2005)
臧淑英, 梁 欣, 张思冲
, 150080)
: 2001 TM , ,
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: P208 : A
GIS- based analysis of ecological risk on landuse in D aqing C ity
ZANG Shuy ing, L IANG X in, ZHANG S ichong
Lab oratory of G eograph ic In form ation Sy stem of H arb in N orm al U n iversity, H arb in 150080, C h ina)
Abs tract: In th is paper, Daqing C ity w as se lected for case study. L and u se inform ation obta ined from satellite re
m ote sensing TM mi age in 2001 w as used as m a in data source. A n eco log ica l risk index w as constructed based on
the varieties of land u se; and the system samp ling m ethod w as used to m ake it a spatia l variab le. A fter sam plings
carried out, the sem ivariag ram analysis and b lock kriging w ere conducted to gain the m ap of distribution of ecolog i
ca l risk. T he results indicate that the spatia l distribution of ecological risk becom e m ore uneven in the work ing are
a, and wt o belt areasw ith h igh ecolog ical risk are fo rm ed in this reg ion. T he two areasw ith high eco log ica l risk are
key areas for adopt ing ecological pro tection m easures.
K ey w ord s: land use; eco log ical risk; spatia l ana lysis; G IS
eco log ica l risk, ER) ,
[ 1, 2]
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: 2005- 05- 14; : 2005- 07- 30
: 4027 1044 ) ; ZT F2005 - 32 ) ;
G B04D 102)
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