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合理用药 呵护公众健康 China Licensed Pharmacist May-Jun. 2013 ,Vol.10 No.5-6 国内外药品招标采购模式比较分析 陈永法 张萍萍 邵蓉 ( 中国药科大学国际医药商学院,江苏南京 211198 ) 【摘要】 从 药品招标 采 购 的模 式 、管理机构 、招标 范围 、中标标准等方 面总结不 同 国家和 地区 药品招标 的特 点 ,对 国 内外药品招标采 购模式进行分析 ,并 为我 国基本药物集 中招标采 购的完善提供 建议:应采取对基本药 物 实施分类 采 购 、对 独 家品种进行全 国范围 内统一议 价 、由专业部 门负责招标采 购并实行一体化 管理及 对经 济技 术标中 的指标进行改 良等措施 来完善我 国的基本药物 招标采 购 。 【关键词】 基本药物 ;招标采 购模式;双信封 ;比较 doi :10.3969/j.issn.1672-5433.2013.h1.007 Comparative Analysis of Drug Bidding and Purchasing Mode at Home and Abroad Chen Yongfa , Zhang Pingping , Shao Rong (The School of International Pharmaceutical Business of China Pharmaceutical University , Jiangsu Nanjing 211198 , China ) ABSTRACT To analyze the drug bidding and purchasing mode of China and foreign countries in respect of the characteristics of the drug bidding and purchasing process including the mode , regulatory agency , bidding scope and the evalution criteria of different countries and regions , and to provide suggestions for the improvement of centralized bidding and purchasing process of essential medicines in China. It is suggested that the bidding and purchasing of essential medicines in China should be improved by the following approaches such as the classification of essential medicine procurement , implementation of a nationwide unified bargaining for the exclusive varieties , using the specialized agency to preside over the bidding and purchasing purcess , and ameliorating the evaluation criteria of economic and technical biddings. KEY WORDS Essential Medicine ;Bidding and Purchasing Mode ;Double Envelopes ;Comparison 1 我国药品集中招标采购模式


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