
10款海绵蛋糕制作方法(10 sponge cake making method).doc

10款海绵蛋糕制作方法(10 sponge cake making method).doc

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10款海绵蛋糕制作方法(10 sponge cake making method)

10款海绵蛋糕制作方法(10 sponge cake making method) 10 sponge cake making method 1 、 cocoa sponge cake Raw materials: egg 600g, sugar 300g, low gluten flour, cocoa powder, 290g 30g 100g, amount of skim milk and butter. Appliances: mixing bucket, sieve, pot, pad of paper, cake, cake tray, plate ring. Method of making: (1) preheat oven to 180 DEG C (or fire 180 DEG C and lower fire 165 DEG C). (2) the egg to add sugar, mixing barrel, on the mixer whipping to whiten and shaped into a thick milk foam. (3) low gluten flour and cocoa powder sift, gently into the mixing bucket, and add butter oil and skim milk melted and cooled, mix evenly into the cake division. (4) put the cake secretary in the cake circle in the baking pan, then smooth it in the hand and bake in the oven. (5) bake for about 30 minutes until the cake is fully cooked and removed. Cover the cake with hot sauce and cool. 2 vanilla sponge cake Ingredients: egg 630g, white sugar 310G, vanillin or vanilla powder 5g, low gluten flour 310G, lettuce oil 100g, skim milk. Utensil: mixing barrel, sieve, pad, cake ring, cake board. Method of making: (1) preheat oven to 180 DEG C (or fire 180 DEG C and lower fire 165 DEG C). (2) the egg into the mixing bucket, add sugar and vanillin or vanilla powder, put in a blender and whipped until thick white. (3) mix the sifted flour gently into the mixing barrel. Mix it slightly, then add the raw vegetable oil and the skim milk, and then mix until smooth. (4) place the cake secretary in a cake ring lined with a pad of paper and smooth by hand and bake in the oven. (5) bake for about 30 minutes. The cake is thoroughly cooked and removed. Cover the cake with hot sauce and cool. 3, orange Sponge Cake Raw materials: egg 500g, sugar 300g, salt 5g, low gluten flour 200g, baking powder 5g, amount of skim milk, orange juice, salad oil 75g 50g. Appliances: mixing barrel, mixing pot, sieve, cushion paper, cake circle, cake board. Method of making: (1) preheat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius (or fi



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