
2010宝山化学二模卷(2010 Baoshan chemical volume the second mock exam).doc

2010宝山化学二模卷(2010 Baoshan chemical volume the second mock exam).doc

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2010宝山化学二模卷(2010 Baoshan chemical volume the second mock exam)

2010宝山化学二模卷(2010 Baoshan chemical volume the second mock exam) This article is contributed by li_xiaodiao DOC documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view. Grade nine physical education test, physics and chemistry examination paper for grade nine in Baoshan District in 2010 (full marks: 150 points, exam time: 100 minutes) turn learn ministry branch Examinee attention: examinee attention: this test paper chemistry part contains three big questions. The chemistry section contains 1. papers. The chemistry section contains three major questions. The answer, according to the requirements of candidates must answer answer in the answer sheet provided on the position in the draft, the 2. answer, candidates must according to the answer on the answer sheet to answer requirements prescribed position, in this paper, the answer papers shall be invalid. Invalid law. The relative atomic mass used in this paper: H-1, C-12, O-16, Na-23, Cl-35.5, Fe-56, Cu-64] Six, individual choice question (altogether 20 points) individual choice question 27. what we are familiar with are organic matter, A., sodium carbonate, B., carbon dioxide (C., carbon monoxide, D., sucrose ()) 28. ash is a kind of potassium fertilizer is the main component of K2CO3, in which the carbon element in the K2CO3 A.0 B.+2 C.+4 D.-4 valence In the 29. movement material belongs to the chemical change is (A.) B. salt sea water to produce hydrochloric acid to litmus red C. with liquid oxygen D. glass heat melting 30. common substances belong to the pure compound is A. clear lime water dry B. (air D. C.) (fresh alcohol disinfection) 31. after the experiment, the following instruments are placed correctly Figure 132. according to your life and knowledge judgment, the following approach is wrong () paint and other places to forbidden B. gas leak check immediately lights C. into the long open Caijiao before the experiment D.



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