
2011.12第三套题理论题(2011.12, third sets of questions).doc

2011.12第三套题理论题(2011.12, third sets of questions).doc

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2011.12第三套题理论题(2011.12, third sets of questions)

2011.12第三套题理论题(2011.12, third sets of questions) 2011.12.24 Computer Culture Foundation exam third sets of questions First, individual choice questions, each subject 1 points. 1. in FrontPage2003, the following (A) option does not modify the appearance of the horizontal line. A. dynamic effects B. height C. width D. color 2.CD-ROM in storage (C). A. can only store text B. can only store images C. can store text, sound and images D. can only store sounds 3. the abbreviation of liquid crystal display is (D). A.CRT B.PCB C.CCD D.LCD Analysis: LCD? Liquid Crystal Display liquid crystal display is referred to as LCD? The structure is placed in the liquid of two pieces of parallel glass crystal, fine wire and many vertical and horizontal between two pieces of glass, through the power to control the rod crystal molecular changes to refract the light generated picture. 4. in the Outlook Express window, between the addresses of the multiple e-mail boxes entered by the CC text box of the new message, B is used as a partition. A. spaces B. comma (...) C. minus (-) D. colon (:) Analysis: in the Outlook Express window, a semicolon is used to separate the addresses of multiple e-mail messages entered by the CC CC text box of the new message. The shortcut key used in 5.Windows for switching between the Chinese input method and the English input method is D. A.Alt+Space B.Ctrl+Space C.Alt+Shift D.Ctrl+Shift 6. the following options belong to virtual reality system output devices (A). A. helmet mounted display B. data glove C. biosensor D. head tracker 7. binary numbers are converted into octal numbers. First, each bit (B) is divided into a group from the decimal point to the left and right. A.5 B.3 C.2 D.4 8. in order to improve the security of IE, the security level in the IE browser is generally set to (A) or more. A. B. low C. medium low D. high 9. the following statement is incorrect (D). A. database phase improves the sharing of data and reduces data redundancy B. file system



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