
2011学年第一学期徐汇区高三年级英语学科(The first semester of the 2011 academic year in Xuhui District).doc

2011学年第一学期徐汇区高三年级英语学科(The first semester of the 2011 academic year in Xuhui District).doc

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2011学年第一学期徐汇区高三年级英语学科(The first semester of the 2011 academic year in Xuhui District)

2011学年第一学期徐汇区高三年级英语学科(The first semester of the 2011 academic year in Xuhui District) The first semester of the 2011 academic year in Xuhui District Learning ability diagnostic volume reference answer Volume 1 2012.1 I. Listening Comprehension (1-10: 1 points for each question, 11-16s 2 points for each question) 1-5 BCCAB 6-10 CBCAD 11-13 CAB 14-16 DCB 17., 10.50, 18., Thursday, 19., library, 20., email 21., tennis, club, 22., running, and, winning, 23., world, records, 24., last, Christmas II. Grammar and Vocabulary (25-49: 1 points for each question) Section A 25-29, CDDDC 30-34, CBACA 35-39, DCBCD 40, B Section B 41., H 42., D 43., G 44., A 45., I 46. C 47. J 48. F 49. B III. Reading Comprehension (50-64: 1 points for each question, 65-75s each of 2 points, 1 points for each question, a. 76-80) Section A 50-54, BDADC 55-59, ACCAA 60-64, BADBD Section B 65-68, CADC 69-71, BCD 72-75, DABB Section C 76-80 DBAFE Section D 81., the, last, full, week, of, January The People have to pay their credit card bills by then. The offer professional advice for any staff who are feeling depressed 84., fight, against, feeling, blue Second volumes I. Translation The All (the) team are members in favour of his proposal. Don much T, expect, too, of, her, for, she, is, only/no, more, than,, a, green, hand., hand/beginner/fresh. The only, book, has, not, illustrations, but, also, DVD/CD/VCD, it / not, only, has, illustrations, but, also, is, provided, with, DVD/CD/VCD., No, wonder (that), children,, like, it, with, so, much.. Westerners are likely more to have heart than Asians diseases because of their unhealthy eating habits. The application IPAD of to teaching may some benefits bring but it will never completely replace the traditional way of learning. The first semester of the 2011 academic year in Xuhui District Learning ability; diagnostic volume; listening text Two thousand and twelve point one I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten sho



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