
2011湖南衡阳物理试题(2011 Hunan Hengyang physics examination).doc

2011湖南衡阳物理试题(2011 Hunan Hengyang physics examination).doc

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2011湖南衡阳物理试题(2011 Hunan Hengyang physics examination)

2011湖南衡阳物理试题(2011 Hunan Hengyang physics examination) 2011 Hunan Hengyang junior high school proficiency test paper Physics Candidates note: the subject papers five major questions, 100 points, the examination amount of 90 minutes. Fifth questions were asked to write the necessary text, formula and important step, only to write the final answer can not score, physical quantity to answer each question requirements, must write and write only numerical NUMERICAL units, without the unit cannot score. All answers must be written on the answer sheet. Do not write the answer outside the black box of the answer sheet. In this test, g = 10N/kg, C water = 4.2 * 103J/ (kg DEG C). First, the choice (12 minutes, 2 minutes every day, a total of 24 points. For each question there are four options, only one is correct, the correct answer to fill in the corresponding position on the answering card). 1. when using the Walkman (MP3, MP4...), the volume control button essentially changes the sound (C) A. frequency B. tones C. loudness D. tone 2. in the following statement, what corresponds to actual life is (D) A. the length of a pencil is about 15dm The voltage of the B. family circuit is 36V C. refrigerator freezer room temperature of about 20 degrees D. sound travels at an air speed of 15 340m/s in air 3. photography is the study of motion a commonly used experimental method, the following four different motion map is a stroboscopic photographs Xiao Yan students when using the stroboscopic camera (black objects like), which may be the uniform linear motion is (B) 4. the following states of change need to be endothermic (C) A. coagulation B. liquefaction C. fusion D. sublimation 5., the current national advocate low carbon life, in fact, in order to save energy and protect the environment. The following statement is in line with the concept of low carbon life (A) A. tried to ride a bike when she was in school, so she didnt try to ride a car The use of disposable chopsticks for health



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