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Baidu maps are as follows
Note that every creation of an application must apply for a API key value, the package name package com.example.ditu; com.example.ditu; this section is cut down, plus the SHA1 value, you can apply for API key
The first big step is to get custom Baidu maps SDK
Developers can download the latest version of the map SDK on the Baidu maps Android SDK download page. The download address is: /map/index.php, title=androidsdk/sdkandev-download
The second step is to use the Baidu maps SDK to provide you with various LBS capabilities before you need to obtain the development keys for the Baidu Maps Mobile Version, which is associated with your Baidu account. Therefore, you must have a Baidu account before you can get the development key. Also, the key is related to the name of the process you created. The specific process is referred to as follows.
Keys application address is: /apiconsole/key
Create the armeabi folder under the LIBS file, import the jar into the LIBS, and import the so file into the armeabi folder
Third strides show Baidu maps
Baidu maps SDK provides developers with a convenient interface to display Baidu map data, through the following steps, you can use Baidu map data in your application:
The first step is to create and configure the project (see the engineering configuration section for specific methods);
The second step: add the development key, the required permissions and other information in the AndroidManifest;
(1) add development keys in application
Android:name= com.baidu.lbsapi.API_KEY
Android:value= developers of key /
2) add the required permissions
uses-permission android:name= android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS /
uses-permission android:name= android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS /
uses-permission android:name= android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS /
uses-permission android:name= android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS /
uses-permission android:name= an
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