
c语言试卷4(C language test paper 4).doc

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c语言试卷4(C language test paper 4)

c语言试卷4(C language test paper 4) A choice (the total of 20 questions, a total of 40 points.) 1. (14) pointer s the length of the string referred to as Char *s= Name\\Address\n \ \; A) 19 B) 15 C) 18 D) illegal 2. if there is a program fragment below: Int, a[12]={0}, *p[3], **pp, i; For (i=0; i3; i++) P[i]=a[i*4]; Pp=p; The wrong reference to the array element is (A) pp[0][1], a[10]) p[3][1] D) * (* (p+2) +2) B (C) 3. if the relation between a and if is not equal to 0 in parentheses, the expression of the relation can be expressed as A) a0 B) a C) a=0 D) a 4. if defined: Int, a[,]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], *p=a, i; 0 = I = 9, while the A is not correct on the array element reference A) a[p-a] B) * (a[i]) C) p[i] D) a[10] 5. the output of the following program is Main () {int, x=10, y=10, I; For (i=0; x8; y=++i) Printf (%d, %d, x--, Y); } A) 10192, B) 9876, C) 10990, D) 101091 6. the output of the following program is Void PRTV (int *x) Printf (%d\n, ++*x);} (main) {int a=25; PRTV (a)} A) 23, B) 24 C) 25, D) 26 7., the following can correctly string assignment operations statement is A) char, s[5]={, ABCDE,}, B), char, s[5]={A,B,C,D,E}; C) char *s; s= ABCDEF; D) char *s; scanf (%s, s); 8. set X, y, Z, t, t are int variables, and then execute the following statement, the value of X=y=z=1; t=++x||++y++z; (A) indefinite value B) 2 C) 1 D) 0 9. set P1 and P2 are pointer variables pointing to the same int type one-dimensional array. K is a int type variable, and statements that cannot be executed correctly are A) k=*p1+*p2; B) p2=k; C) p1=p2; D) k=*p1 * (*p2); 10. read the program: #includestdio.h #define SUB (X, Y) (X) *Y (main) {int, a=3, b=4; Printf (%d, SUB (a++, b++)); } The output of the above program is A) 12, B) 15 C) 16, D) 20 11. sizeof (float) is: A) int B) float C) double D) uncertain 12. when you execute the following program, enter 3 and 4 from the keyboard, then the output is (main) {int, a, B, s; Scanf (%d%d, a, b); S=a; If (ab) s=b; S=s*s; Printf (%d\n, s);} A



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