
em微生物制剂无公害养猪方法(Method for pollution-free pig raising of EM microbial preparation).doc

em微生物制剂无公害养猪方法(Method for pollution-free pig raising of EM microbial preparation).doc

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em微生物制剂无公害养猪方法(Method for pollution-free pig raising of EM microbial preparation)

em微生物制剂无公害养猪方法(Method for pollution-free pig raising of EM microbial preparation) Method for pollution-free pig raising of EM microbial preparation There are 3 kinds of bacteria in animal body, namely bacteria, harmful bacteria, harmful harmless neutral bacteria. When the bacteria are dominant bacteria to bacteria, neutral direction (to learn more pig technology, please click on the right side of the pig, the animal more technology) in a healthy growth state. When the harmful bacteria predominate, the neutral bacteria develop towards harmful bacteria, and the animals are in a state of illness. We should increase animal harmful bacteria to inhibit and kill the animal. EM is a complex bacterial flora composed of more than 100 kinds of beneficial microorganisms, which can inhibit the reproduction of harmful microorganisms and promote the healthy growth of animals. The use of EM pigs, without any side effects, has good preventive and therapeutic effect of gastritis, colds, diarrhea and other intestinal diseases; can improve the feed conversion rate, reduce the cost of breeding; can significantly reduce the pig manure odor; harmful hormone degradation in pigs, produce pollution-free green pork products. First, EM fermented feed pig method. Basic feed preparation: corn 22.5 kg, rice flour 16.5 kg, soybean meal 5 kg (no soybean meal can be used to paste beans and other beans instead), virus-free rapeseed cake 5 kg, bone meal 1 kg. Fermented feed production: EM fluid, brown sugar, water in 1: 1: 60 ratio (brown sugar first with a small amount of warm water to melt, the best water for boiling water or cold water, disinfectant containing tap water to rest for 48 hours to use), mix well, rest for 3 hours, add 40 kg of water to dilute the live bacteria liquid. The living bacteria dilution and feed prepared by 35: 100 ratio mixed sprayed liquid stirring (Chicco, Chicco until all the same color, no mass, holding the mixture into balls, a little shake will spread so far. If you wa



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