
fanuc系统加工中心面板各键使用方法(FANUC system processing center panel each key use method).doc

fanuc系统加工中心面板各键使用方法(FANUC system processing center panel each key use method).doc

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fanuc系统加工中心面板各键使用方法(FANUC system processing center panel each key use method)

fanuc系统加工中心面板各键使用方法(FANUC system processing center panel each key use method) FANUC system processing center panel each key use method FANUC system each key use 1 ALTER modify the program and code 2 INSRT insertion program 3 DELET delete program 4 EOB complete a sentence (END, OF, BLOCK) 5 CAN cancelled (used in EDIT or MDI MODE cases) 6 INPUT input program and code 7 OUTPUT START output program and instruction 8 OFFSET storage tool length, radius, pay duty 9 AUX GRAPH display graphics 10 PRGRM display program content 11 ALARM displays the alert content or code 12 POS display coordinates 13 DGONS PARAM displays self diagnostics and parameter functions 14 RESET back to stop 15 CURSOR cursor moves up and down 16 PAGE flip up and down 17 O program number by O0001~O9999 The 18 N order number is N0001~N9999 19 G prepares the function code 20 X coordinate axis direction of motion instruction 21 Y coordinate axis direction of motion instruction 22 Z coordinate axis direction of motion instruction 23 H length compensation function code 24 F feed (FEED) instruction 25 R arc radius command 26 M auxiliary function instruction 27 S spindle speed command 28 T tool number 29 D radius compensation function code 30 I. J.K, the distance from the arc origin to the center of the arc (X, Y, Z axis) 31 P subroutine call code 32 PROGRAM PROTECT program memory protection switch 33 MEMORY automatic executive program 34 EDIT editor 35 MDI manual editing 36 SINGL BLOCK sentence execution 37 BLOCK DELET does not perform procedures specified sentence (with / key sharing) 38 OPT STOP selective stop (shared with M01 code) 39 DRY RUN empty operation 40 PRG TEST does not execute M.S.T. code instructions 41 CYCLE START (Executive) dynamic cycle 42 CYCLE STOP loop stop (pause program) 43 PRG STOP program stopped (shared with M00) 44 HOME return X.Y.Z. axis Mechanic #59843; 45 JOG manual feed (row, position, or cutting) 46 MPG manual power drive 50 HIGH manual quick feed 51 SPDL DEC (RPM) spindle sp



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