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flex性能贴士(Flex performance tips)
flex性能贴士(Flex performance tips)
Flex application performance tips
In general, keeping the code clean is a good habit, so that the code is not only well formed and readable, but it wont miss anything. No memory leaks, no CPU detection tools, that is, a clean object that can be recycled by GC.
1) manage your event monitoring - this message has double implications. First of all, you should often remove no longer need event, because they lead to hinder the garbage collection object references, it is equivalent to a memory leak, it is difficult to carry out the tracking performance, is not conducive to the application. You can monitor events by referencing events to minimize memory leaks, but you should still clean them when you dont need them. The second is that if you fail to remove event listeners, you can cause performance problems. Event handlers can be triggered in your application, and you may not be aware of them. You send an event in the child component, and the handle on the DOM tree (upper class object) triggers the same event. If you dont want this to happen, keep the event handlers clear; let them handle specific event types and remove them when your application no longer needs them.
2) dismount loader and time, when you use loader based objects (images, SWFLoader, etc.), call unloadAndStop () to dismount content from the loader, and calling GC is a good habit. This frees valuable system resources, and without the need for CPU cycles, they are not wasted. I often do this for static image files to prevent excessive memory usage.
3) processing - Ive found that creating a dispose () function in a custom component, a data manager, or in the view of cleaning an object resource is a great idea. When you use an object, the dispose () method needs to be called explicitly, but the dispose method handles any of the required items to clean the object and free the resources. For example, stop the timer, remove events, listen, dismount the loaded object, set the referenc
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