
hr必备员工离职面谈样题(Interview questions HR essential employee turnover).doc

hr必备员工离职面谈样题(Interview questions HR essential employee turnover).doc

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hr必备员工离职面谈样题(Interview questions HR essential employee turnover)

hr必备员工离职面谈样题(Interview questions HR essential employee turnover) The following questions can be used for exit interviews, and can also be used to prepare exit questionnaires or electronic feedback forms. The employee exit interview questions are relatively perfect, enterprise management according to the exit interview situation, the person being interviewed and the company of these questions are deleted. In face-to-face conversations, questions can be asked with why to get further information, especially when the answers are ambiguous or too superficial. The question of what and how is helpful for the other person to think and express his true opinion. Although some of these questions is more suitable for the management of employee turnover in the interview, but the company should try to give all employees the opportunity to comment, regardless of whether they are what level. In this way, you will find out how knowledgeable and insightful they are. How did you decide to leave your job? What are the main reasons for your decision to leave your job? What are the other reasons for your decision to leave your job? Why is this important to you? What do you care most about the reason you decide to leave your job? What could the company do to discourage you from leaving your job? How did you expect the problem to be solved? What opportunities do you think can prevent the present situation or solve the present problems? What do you think of the processes or systems that cause these problems or cause you to decide to quit? Do you have any specific suggestions on how the company will deal with this situation or solve these problems in the future? How do you feel about the company? Do you have any good or happy or satisfying experience in your company? Do you have any frustrating or difficult experiences in your company? What would you have done better or more if the company offered the opportunity? What additional responsibilities would you like to undertake? How could the co



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