
ie6、7、8兼容问题(IE6, 7, 8 compatibility issues).doc

ie6、7、8兼容问题(IE6, 7, 8 compatibility issues).doc

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ie6、7、8兼容问题(IE6, 7, 8 compatibility issues)

ie6、7、8兼容问题(IE6, 7, 8 compatibility issues) Coexistence of IE6, IE7, IE8 and Firefox browser CSS compatibility 1 Saturday, December 26, 2009, 10:27 In website design, should pay attention to the CSS style compatible with different browsers, especially for the full use of DIV CSS design, they should pay more attention to the IE6 IE7 FF CSS style compatible, otherwise, you may go out to avoid chaos network effect! Massive authoritative development materials,. All browsers are generic Height: 100px; Dedicated IE6 _height: 100px; Dedicated IE6 *height: 100px; Dedicated IE7 *+height: 100px; IE7, FF share Height: 100px! Important; One, CSS compatible The following two approaches can almost solve all of todays compatibility 1, important! (not recommended, safest with one of the following) With the support of IE7 for important, the important method is now only compatible with IE6. (note the wording. Remember that the declaration location needs to be advanced.) Code: style #wrapper { Width: 100px important; / * * / IE7+FF! Width: 80px IE6; / * * / } /style 2, IE6/IE77 for FireFox from for Firefox IE6 IE7s CSS Style *+html and *html are IE - specific tags, and Firefox does not support them for a while, and *+html is a IE7 - specific tag Code: style #wrapper {width: 120px;} / * * / FireFox *html #wrapper {width: 80px;} / * IE6 * fixed *+html #wrapper {width: 60px;} / * IE7 * fixed, pay attention to the order /style Be careful: *+html compatibility with IE7 must be guaranteed at the top of the HTML with the following declarations: Code: DOCTYPE, HTML, PUBLIC, -//W3C//DTD, HTML, 4.01, Transitional//EN, /TR/html4/loose.dtd Two, universal float closure (very important) can be used to resolve multiple div alignment when the spacing is not correct, For the clear float principle, see [How To, Clear, Floats,, Without, Structural, Markup] The following code will join Global CSS, to close div and class= Clearfix can be tested. Code: style Clear Fix / * * / .clearfix:after { Content:;



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