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ie7.0浏览器有用的9个使用技巧(9 useful tips for IE7.0 browsers)
ie7.0浏览器有用的9个使用技巧(9 useful tips for IE7.0 browsers)
1, add your own search engine to IE
In the top right corner of the IE 7 browser, there are many built-in search providers for you to choose from. By clicking the drop-down arrow to the right of the search bar, you can easily add more search engines to enter, select find more providers, and then add them to the page that appears.
But you cant be limited to using the search engines offered by these Microsoft. You can build your own search engine and use the IE search bar to search any web site, no matter where you are on the internet.
Its important to note that this site does not have to be the search engine itself; any web site with search capabilities is fine. For example, if you regularly look for content in sports, shopping, or travel websites, you can create a search engine for these sites and add them to the search column of IE 7.
First, click the drop-down arrow to the right of the search bar, and select find more providers. On the page that appears, find create your own.
On another tab, open the search engine you want to create in IE.
In the search box of the site, enter TEST, and be sure to use uppercase letters. After the search, copy the result URL from the address bar and paste it into the tab that created your own earlier.
Then, in create your own, enter a name for the search engine.
2, to speed up the page loading speed of IE
By default, IE only allows two sessions to be downloaded from one web server simultaneously. This can affect the speed of your web browsing because you cant download all the objects that make up a web page at the same time, so that the page will display much slower. If you can force IE to download more objects at the same time, the page will display much faster.
A Windows registry modification skills, to do this. With this modification, you can force IE to use more than two simultaneous sessions. The best number is 10. Here are the steps:
1) type regedit in the start line of the co
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