
java破解方法(Java crack method).doc

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java破解方法(Java crack method)

java破解方法(Java crack method) Hope loyalty, hope to break the LICENSE file useful! 1, the first step is to find the vendor ID and calculate the installation sequence number 2 crack wlscgen.exe files so that they are free from dog control 3 find the encrypted file feature, making license Java verification of license crack: Parasoft, C++, Test, Pro, v C++Test 64.5, MB (last, update, 2005-Oct-27) Http:///jsp/downloads/cpptest/cpptest_win32__pro.exe Parasoft.C.Plus.Plus.Test.Pro.v-SHOCK This is a problem. He just cracked Toolkit.dll and could run C++TestW.exe for GUI testing. But the mighty comandline didnt break it. This way, you have to apply Makefile, and test is impossible for the whole project. G:\editg\CPPTest65\bincpptest T.C There, is, no, license, to, run, command, line. Please, launch, C++Test, GUI, to, enter, license, details. With C32Asm decompile, you can see several of the functions he imported into alex.dll to validate license: ALEX.DLL:? 0RegistryKey@@QAE@W4PredefinedKey@0@V? $basic_string@DU? $char_traits@D@std@@V? $allocator@D@2@@std@@W4Mode@0@W4Access@0@@Z? ALEX.DLL:? IsValid@RegistryKey@@QBE_NXZ? ...... Decompile ALEX.DLL, analyze these functions too many, too complex, can not find the key point. Starting with error message, using WinHex to search for ALEX.DLL, including ansi/unicode, did not find There is, no, license, to, run, command, line strings. Search all the files in the entire bin directory with UEDIT and find nothing. So, where does this license error message come from? After G:\editg\CPPTest65\bincpptest t.c, Found a file Toolkit16970.log in the system temp directory, the main contents are as follows. [INFO] Checking main feature... [INFO] Version: Application: C++Test 6.5 [INFO] License configured [INFO] Final status: 0 [INFO] checkConfiguration (T): finish [INFO] cancelOtherThreads:begin [INFO] cancelOtherThreads:finish [INFO] checkConfiguration:finish [INFO], isFeatureConfigurated, returned, ErrorCode:, -3 [mon.license.LicenseConfiguratio



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