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java版本控制测试(Java version control test)
java版本控制测试(Java version control test)
Subversion is a centralized system to share information, which is the core of the repository, it stores all the data repository according to the form of the document tree data storage - including files and directories, any number of clients can connect to the repository, read and write these files. By writing, others can see the information, and by reading the data, you can see other peoples changes.
Version control (Revision control) is a software engineering technique designed to ensure that the same files are edited by different people during development.
Basic definitions
Version control records the changes of each module of the program through the document control (documentation, control) and makes the serial number for each change. This method is the standard practice of drawings (Engineering) maintenance (maintenance), which is accompanied by engineering drawings from the birth of the graph to the shape of the graph. A simple version control, for example, is assigned to the first edition of map version of a grade of A. After the first change, the version level is changed to B, and so on and so forth. .
Edit this paragraph version control system
1. version control of software systems is the version control of subsystems that can run on their own. The version number of the 2. software system is determined by the staff of the evaluation team, and the version control is done by the evaluation team. The version number of the 3. software system consists of 3 parts, the main version number, the secondary version number and the modification number. The 1 major version number, only when the system is a major breakthrough in the structure and function improvement after the change; the minor version number 2; modify the No. 8, the submission date, when any modification to the system, including the database structure changes, modify the number to change. For example: Ver3.314., the version number of each subsystem i
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