
sql修复语句(SQL repair statement).doc

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sql修复语句(SQL repair statement)

sql修复语句(SQL repair statement) The SQL fix statement.Txt points to smoke, but loneliness...... Not you do not smile, a smile powder fall! People are not smart, but also learn to bald others. If you cant tie my heart, dont say Im a playboy! No matter how outstanding Chopin, also can not play Lao Tzu sadness! Be happy when youre alive, because were going to die a long time. Please dont speak English in front of me, OK? Restoring the sp_addextendedproc statement: Create procedure sp_addextendedproc --- 1996/08/30 20:13 @functname nvarchar (517), name of (owner.) / * function to call * / @dllname varchar (255) name of DLL containing function * / / * As Set implicit_transactions off If @@trancount 0 Begin Raiserror (15002, -1, -1,sp_addextendedproc) Return (1) End DBCC addextendedproc (@functname, @dllname) Return (0) - sp_addextendedproc GO Restore stored proceduresmaster..Xpcmdshell: EXEC, sp_addextendedproc, xp_cmdshell, @dllname, =xplog70.dlldeclare, @o, int Uninstall stored procedures xp_cmdshell: Sp_dropextendedprocxp_cmdshell Xp_cmdshell new recovery method (do not check whether sp_addextendedproc exists) delete Drop procedure sp_addextendedproc Drop procedure sp_oacreate Exec sp_dropextendedprocxp_cmdshell recovery DBCC addextendedproc (sp_oacreate, odsole70.dll) DBCC addextendedproc (xp_cmdshell, xplog70.dll) 1. could not find the solution to the stored proceduremaster..Xpcmdshell: EXEC, sp_addextendedproc, xp_cmdshell, @dllname, =xplog70.dlldeclare, @o, int Sp_addextendedproc,xp_cmdshell,xpsql70.dll 2. cannot load DLL xpsql70.dll or a DLL referenced by the DLL. Reason 126 (cannot find the specified module. ) Sp_dropextendedproc xp_cmdshell Sp_addextendedproc,xp_cmdshell,xpsql70.dll 3. cannot find function xp_cmdshell in Library xpweb70.dll. Reason: 127 (cannot find the specified program. ) Exec sp_dropextendedprocxp_cmdshell Exec, sp_addextendedproc,xp_cmdshell,xpweb70.dll 4. direct add account method Delete odsole70.dll: Exec master..Sp_dropextendedproc sp_oam


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