
sql转化为excel表格(SQL converted to excel form).doc

sql转化为excel表格(SQL converted to excel form).doc

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sql转化为excel表格(SQL converted to excel form)

sql转化为excel表格(SQL converted to excel form) # region dataset导出excel / / / summary / / / dataset导出excel / / / / summary / / / param name = arrtitle 列标题, 若为null, 则直接取dataset列标题 / param / / / param name = ds / 要导出的dataset param / / / param name = filename excel文件名, 不需要传入扩展名 / param protected void createexcel (string [] arrtitle, dataset ds, string filename) { stringbuilder strb = new stringbuilder (); strb.append ( html xmlns: o \ = urn: schemas - microsoft com: office: office (); strb.append (xmlns: x ^ = urn: schemas - microsoft com: office: excel (); strb.append (xmlns = \ http: / / www.w3. org / tr / rec - html40 \ ); strb.append ( head meta http - equiv = content type content = textml; charset = gb2312 ); strb.append ( style ); strb.append (.xl26); strb.append ({mso style - parent: style0;); strb.append (font family: times new roman , serif; ); strb.append (mso - font - charset: 0;); strb.append (mso - number format: * @ * ;}); strb.append ( / style ); strb.append ( xml ); strb.append ( x: excelworkbook ); strb.append ( x: excelworksheets ); strb.append ( x: excelworksheet ); strb.append ( x: name sheet1 / x: name ); strb.append ( x: worksheetoptions ); strb.append ( x: defaultrowheight 285 / x: defaultrowheight ); strb.append ( x: selected / ); strb.append ( x: panes ); strb.append ( x: pane ); strb.append ( x: number 3 / x: number ); strb.append ( x: activecol 1 / x: activecol ); strb.append ( / x: pane ); strb.append ( / x: panes ); strb.append ( x: protectcontents false / x: protectcontents ); strb.append ( x: protectobjects false / x: protectobjects ); strb.append ( x: protectscenarios false / x: protectscenarios ); strb.append ( / x: worksheetoptions ); strb.append ( / x: excelworksheet ); strb.append ( x: windowheight 6750 / x: windowheight ); strb.append ( x: windowwidth 10620 / x: windowwidth ); strb.append ( x: windowtopx 480 / x: windowtopx ); strb.append ( x: windowtopy 75 / x: windowtopy ); strb.append ( x: prot



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