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stm32定时器延时时间(STM32 timer delay time)
stm32定时器延时时间(STM32 timer delay time)
STM32, systick specific delay time calculation
Categories: STM32/STM8, 2013-04-12, 11:14, 154 people read comments (0) collection report
* STM32 microcontroller, SysTick system, tick timer, experimental procedures
#ifndef _SYSTICK_H
#define _SYSTICK_H
#include SysTick.h
#define (SYSTICK_CSR ((volatile unsigned * long * 0xE000E010))) / / control register
#define (SYSTICK_LOAD ((volatile unsigned * long * 0xE000E014))) / / reload registers
#define (SYSTICK_VAL ((volatile unsigned * long * 0xE000E018))) / / current value register
#define (SYSTICK_CALRB ((volatile unsigned * long * 0xE000E01C))) / / calibration value register
Unsigned long SysTick_Delay; / / global variables
/ / configuration register
Void SysTick_InitStructReadCmd (void)
SYSTICK_VAL = 0; / / the current zero value register
SYSTICK_LOAD = SystemCoreClock / 1000000; / / an important part here is the system of/ 100000
SYSTICK_CSR |= 0x06; / / the first time can make SysTick close in the open
/ / interrupt service program
Void SysTick_Hangler (void)
SYSTICK_VAL = 0; / / the current zero value register
If (SysTick_Delay! = 0x00 / SysTick_Delay) to judge the delay is equal to 0
SysTick_Delay--; / / reduced to 0 end
/ / delay function
Void Delay_10us (unsigned, long, Countlinef)
SYSTICK_CSR |= 0x07; / / SysTick to start
SysTick_Delay = Countlinef; / / assign delay variable SysTick_Delay global variables
While (SysTick_Delay! = 0); / / judge whether to delay time
SYSTICK_CSR |= 0x06; / / time to close the SysTick which can be used in the open
Int main (void)
(SystemInit); / / note so is the system clock initialization is clocked at 72M, here is a must
SysTick_InitStructReadCmd ();
While (1)
Delay_10us (1000000); / / 1ms delay
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