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struts笔记(Struts笔记) 1.servelet has more lightweight threads than CGI because CGI allocates a process for each request. 2.servlet assigns a thread to each rquest, which has JVM management. 3.browser--webserverservletContainer 4.jsp is an extension of servlet; in some sense, JSP and servlet make no difference. 5. select the JSP tag library instead of the JSP script. 6.Model1: ask request to call JSP directly, and this JSP file calls JavaBean or other services, and chooses Next page 7.Model2: the request request is first intercepted by a servlet (usually called controller). This interceptor handles requests And select the next JSP page display. The 8.Application range object is visible to all customers and threads. When the program starts for the first time, it creates a javax.servlet.ServletContext implementation Interface object. The object is not destroyed until the end of the program. 9.Page range objects are available only on a JSP page. When the page is loaded, create a page visible javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext object. The 10.sendRedirect () method tells browser that you need to change the URL. 11.Forward method: call other pages directly without informing the client. When the forward () method is called, a RequestDispatcher object is used Is created, and the forward () method calls the object. The forward () method is available when no message is returned to the client, when you try to return some messages It raises a IllegalStateException exception. The role of several packages in 12.struts: (1) action: contains controller, such as: ActionForm, ActionMessage and so on (2) actions: the Action class that contains the out-of-box out of the box, such as DispatchAction. (3) config: the struts configuration class that contains in-memory (memory). (4) taglib:struts of taglib. (5) tiles: the class that contains the tiles framework (6) upload: classes that include uploading and downloading (7) util: tool kit (8) validator: authentication package. 13. as controllers Acti


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