
sublimetext配置翻译(Sublimetext configuration translation).doc

sublimetext配置翻译(Sublimetext configuration translation).doc

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sublimetext配置翻译(Sublimetext configuration translation)

sublimetext配置翻译(Sublimetext configuration translation) Preferences.sublime-settings file: 1 While you can edit this / file it s best to put your changes in 2 / User/Preferences.sublime-settings, which overrides the settings in here. 3 / / 4 may also be placed / / Settings in file type specific options files, for 5 / / example, in Packages/Python/Python.sublime-settings for Python files. {6 7 Sets the colors used within the / text area 8 / / theme file path 9 color_scheme: Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Monokai.tmTheme, Ten 11 that the font_face and / / Note font_size are overriden in the platform 12 / / specific settings file, for example, Preferences (Linux).Sublime-settings . 13 / / Because of this, setting them here will have no effect: you must set them 14 / / in your User File Preferences. 15 / / set the font and size must be rewritten in Settings-User, there is no effect 16 font_face: Consolas., 17 font_size: 12, Eighteen 19 / / Valid options are no_bold, no_italic, no_antialias, gray_antialias, 20 / subpixel_antialias and no_round (OS X only) 21 / / font options: no_bold does not show the bold, no_italic does not show italics, no_antialias and no_antialias closed anti aliasing 22 / / subpixel_antialias and no_round is the unique OS X system 23 font_options: [], Twenty-four 25 Characters that are considered to separate / / words 26 / in the text will select double-click the current content, if there are characters, will be cut off 27 word_separators: (./\\) \ - :,.; ~! @#$%^*|+=[]{}`~?, Twenty-eight 29 to false to prevent / / Set line numbers being drawn in the gutter 30 / / whether the display line numbers 31 line_numbers: true, Thirty-two 33 Set to false to hide the / gutter altogether 34 / if the sidebar display line numbers 35 gutter: true, Thirty-six 37 Spacing between the gutter and the / / text The 38 line spacing / sidebar and text 39 margin: 4, Forty 41 buttons are the triangles / / Fold shown in the gutter to fold regions of text 42 / / whether to d


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